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How to form a Litter pick up organization

How to form a litter pick up organization

If you are ready to make a difference in your community and to work on a project that you can feel good about, you may be interested in starting a litter pick-up organization. Trash and litter are unfortunately common problems in many areas of the world, and while many people want to do something about this problem, they may not know which organization to join to make a difference. Your organization can organize volunteer efforts, improve the environment and beautify your community.

File the Paperwork
The first step to take when forming a litter pick-up organization is to create the organization legally. You can work with a lawyer to create the by-laws and other required legal documents and to file them with the state. You will also need to request a tax ID number for financial purposes. In addition, you can open a business bank account and take other necessary steps to lay the infrastructure for your organization.

Set Up Your Organization
After these steps have been completed, you will be ready to actually set up the organization. This may include everything from developing a website and creating a presence on various social media sites to recruiting volunteers, securing office space and more. This is a step that transforms your organization from simply being on paper into a truly functional, working organization. It also can make your organization more visible to the public.

Plan Your First Event
Once you have set up your organization, you can start planning your first event. You can recruit volunteers and announce the event in various ways to drum up interest. This may be by raising awareness on social media sites, placing posters in strategic locations and more. You can also invest in equipment and supplies that your volunteers can use on the first day of the event. After your event, document how much trash you picked up on social media or by contacting local news agencies. Before and after pictures work well for marketing. This can help you to raise even more awareness for future events.

You can make a big difference in your community by starting a litter pick-up organization. It can take some effort to set up the organization, but you will love the end result after hosting your first event. More than that, you and your team of volunteers can continue to feel great with each event you host in the future.